You can never claim what is the best. Ofcourse, out of the few options you're given, there can be a best one but when it becomes universal there is obviously something better than it. Assortments only make our job to choose what is the best easier. However, universally, there is surely something better than what we claim best. It is, therefore, said that sky is the limit for these type of situations because no matter how much you search, there is a better choice than your already best tagged thing. Politicians, for that matter are all corrupt but out of the options we are getting, we choose the best among them not the best among the whole world. So this election, vote for the best among the few worst. Happy elections!
There are three mediums to express anything: audio, visual, scribbling. I find peace doing the third. I don't blog here anymore. Latest blogs at
April 28, 2014
April 23, 2014
Curiosity killed the cat. Excitement killed my sleep. Everything— from experiencing those little butterflies in the stomach to extreme restlessness only depicts how much excited I am or possibly could be. Today my body doesn't need music to dance on. My heartbeats took their place and I'm dancing already. Hard and fast and most importantly, happily. The reason behind all this is only one person who makes me breathe, a person who knows what my heart sings and makes it beat even faster while skipping a few. Words might fail to explain my feelings but they know exactly what I mean and feel. Nevertheless, my emotions flow like they've just got to know the power of their flowing. They deny to halt and I deny to have them halted. Either way, my life is now a beautiful dream that felt eternity away. All I can say is I'm glad for whatever it is and whatever it is going to be. I have my love and that's the best my life could ever be.
April 17, 2014
Everything we didn't...
Everything we say values and is taken in consideration. It might not be valued now but someday or the other it is. But, what about things we don't say? Why aren't they considered? Why aren't they understood or even misunderstood for that matter? It's all human tendency to just hear what somebody says and not try and understand what they didn't say. We never really realise there's so much we want to say and there's very little of that part that we actually say. Sadly, it doesn't matter until that one time when you're miserable that you didn't say it. Or that you didn't do it. Whatever you wanted to. Whatever you had to do. And then all there's left to say and do is regret. Fortunately, you do that atleast with everything you have or don't have.
April 07, 2014
Worst side
Many people know and appreciate your good side but very few know and accept your worst. And by very few, I mean literally very few. I won't advise you to cherish them or keep them happy or any such crap because once they've accepted and loved you even in your worst, they're not leaving you no matter what. Also, there is not one time where they won't appreciate your best side. When they can love your worst so much, imagine the amount of love that'll be given when you're at your best. Infact, all the times you're not your worst is the time they think you're at your best. So you don't even need to put any efforts. It just happens all on its own. It must sound very selfless but that's what love does to you. It makes you selfless.
April 04, 2014
Loneliness, for a change, doesn't come all alone. It comes with sad and negative feelings and emotions. Things that you would want to change sooner than it can. It doesn't matter by how many people you're surrounded, once you still feel alone between them, you're lonely. Maybe, it is a state of mind but certainly, not a good one. You can be happy being lonely but only temporarily. If you're a human, you cannot be lonely and happy for long. There will come a time where you'll need somebody, anybody. That's when the ground reality hits you. However, you look around and unfortunately, find nobody. Just you with yourself. You either pretend to be happy or go be happy for real. Just like every other situation in life, you get a choice here too. The latter depends on what you do now. You choose. You experience. You decide.
April 03, 2014
There are things which have an expiry date and then there are those meant to last a lifetime. However, you never know which of the things change when. The law of nature states that change is constant and you cannot change it. Settling between these changes is quite worth an applause. Maybe, that's how we were supposed to work. Anyway, we hold nothing except our changing lives. The cool thing is it's so enterprising and entertaining at the same time. You've been enterprised and everyone else is entertained. Ha! What surprises is how and when and why it happens. There are certainly reasons for all it, unknown to us. Whatever all this is, there's an end to it too. Good or bad? Depends. Varies.