The beauty of Nature is too divine to be explained in a few words or sentences. It takes a lifetime to get over the awe of the nature and it's mesmerising beauty. It just attracts you from so within that for a moment or two, you can't understand what's happening to you. Luckily for me, I capture these beautiful views of the nature and cherish them in my memories. With every picture is an attached memory and feeling/s. Nature is the biggest attention seeker in this world. I'm glad it can't selfies or pose for pictures otherwise I'd never come out of its reverence. The colour, its effect; it depicts something everytime but humans are too far from understanding it. Maybe, just maybe, all of this was created just to make us believe in the significance of beauty. However, not the outer one but the internally existing beauty which we all seem to easily neglect. The beauty of the inside that made the outer creation possible and that's possibly all it wants to depict but here we are, being impertinent to it.