In this insert-any-adjective life, we all have our own little space in people's hearts and it's created by who we are and what nature we hold in front of them. It's merely a play of feelings holding on to each other. With the help of these feelings and positions, priorities are made. Priorities change because of many reasons but most of it being situations. The lifestyle of practicality is what makes us change our priorities in an instant. It is defined and reasoned by normalcy, where as in reality it's just your mind playing with you and the like. You don't just set priorities, they happen to arrange themselves feasibly. All you are allowed to do is appease without any apprehension.
There are three mediums to express anything: audio, visual, scribbling. I find peace doing the third. I don't blog here anymore. Latest blogs at
May 16, 2014
May 15, 2014
May 14, 2014
Love is in the air..
Love is surely a bliss which we all don't want to miss but is that really love or just lust in disguise? Love, no doubt, is the most awesome thing in this world but it is highly misunderstood and misused for things that can ruin one in many probabilities. No wonder why the straight-laced have always said,“be careful in love.” As far as today's world and generation is considered, it is often misused for getting laid or losing the “V” which has gotten too much in fashion.
While the amount of people who don't even have a speck of what love possibly is or can be are “falling in love”, it is being exploited vastly. High schools, in fact, even elementary schools have kids “falling in and out” of love daily, weekly or monthly. It might be one innocent start but chances are that it can turn into a horrific disaster thereby destroying one into the ultimatum.
Love is not something you can see or make, it is a feeling and there are a very few who feel it the real way. While in love, one has to half blind, quarter deaf and quarter dumb. You either look over all those of flaws you love, change it or accept it. As a matter of fact, neither is easy. Love is not only the criteria that matters in love. Irony is it comes along with all the possible difficult things the race of human has ever known. Patience, trust, companionship, sharing both— happiness and sorrows, acceptance or ignorance of the unchangeable, etc. is what comes along as the “hard things”.
While love has its own “side effects”, the after effects depend on the condition love makes for you. If it's good, you're the happiest but if it's not, you'd want to end yourself too. It is supposed to be handled with a lot of maturity. Very few understand this four-letter-word because love doesn't come alone and whatever things come along, are hard to keep up with.
Also, there's nothing like true love or fake love. Love is already in its purest form. It's either love or fake. Moreover, you can't measure love. You either love or don't. There's no in-between.
For the summation, all I'd say is be careful because love is in the wrong air...
May 13, 2014
A point every writer— good or bad, faces in their life is when they don't know what to write about. Ha! As astonishing it sounds, horrifically it's true. Also, technology plays a very important role here. A writer of the time who used his mighty pen and paper was the writer this techno-addicted world cannot possibly create. Ofcourse, probabilities sustain. As a pen-and-paper writer, the chances of making typos emerged every once in a while which is sporadically found with the techie writers. The technology actually becomes a helping hand for the techie writers by correcting the needful everywhere. While the pen-and-paper writers wasted a lot of papers that headed the floor and soon, the trashcan, all the techie ones did was hit a few buttons and it's off to the Recycle Bin. The advantage pen-and-paper writers had was they could open up their crumbled up papers again to use a good sentence or word while the techie writers just end up clicking the close button of their Notepads leading to no drafts. As an opinionated bot, I regret being a techie writer. I'd rather go to the time when the pen-and-paper writers were born and write between them. If I'm told to write even a few lines on a pen and paper today, I'd end up making a whole mess out of it with different handwriting all over the page. I don't even remember how my hand writes, all I remember is how it types. I wish the outcomes turn out to be good enough and not affect me negatively someday. Being a techie writer or pen-and-paper writer isn't the point. The point is the execution of thought or the thought process and as far as that is happening, write. As much as you want. As much as you can.
May 12, 2014
She wakes up and hurries for her important day. As soon as she tries to push her body to stand, she realises a sudden rush in her head and it clicks to her that it's a hangover. As an aspiring journo, she is pretty sure she can do things correctly even when suffering from a severe hangover. She walks up and heads straight to bathe. After the morning chores end, she is now all fresh and ready to set for the day. Still a little shaken by the hangover she opens her phone to call a senior and asks him what time she must reach for the meeting scheduled. The senior, quarterly asleep, quarterly angry and half shocked screams on the phone whether what sense it makes to her to call him at dawn to ask about the meeting. The apology is exchanged and the phone is hung. She turns to the clock only to realise how stupid she can ever be. She sits there and laughs loud because that's probably, all she can do then.
May 10, 2014
The beauty of Nature is too divine to be explained in a few words or sentences. It takes a lifetime to get over the awe of the nature and it's mesmerising beauty. It just attracts you from so within that for a moment or two, you can't understand what's happening to you. Luckily for me, I capture these beautiful views of the nature and cherish them in my memories. With every picture is an attached memory and feeling/s. Nature is the biggest attention seeker in this world. I'm glad it can't selfies or pose for pictures otherwise I'd never come out of its reverence. The colour, its effect; it depicts something everytime but humans are too far from understanding it. Maybe, just maybe, all of this was created just to make us believe in the significance of beauty. However, not the outer one but the internally existing beauty which we all seem to easily neglect. The beauty of the inside that made the outer creation possible and that's possibly all it wants to depict but here we are, being impertinent to it.
May 08, 2014
Imagine, the person who you love, loving you more.
Imagine, life changing a better way.
Imagine, your imaginations turning into realities.
Imagine, a smile that won't leave your face.
Imagine, the bad turn best.
Imagine, the change going the right way— the one you longed for.
Imagine, a life so beautiful, even the nature gets speechless.
Imagine, flying so high without a fear of falling down.
Imagine, being so deep, you don't remember the heights.
Imagine, a scar so small, it's vanished in a blink.
Imagine, a flower so colorful, colours bloom.
Imagine, blind love seeing, not the flaws but the flawlessness.
Imagine, being a good writer.
Imagine, being the world to somebody who's your world.
Imagine, living so happily even sadness forgets its meaning.
Imagine, a world so real, you love imagining it.
Imagine, purity so common, there's no mixture left.
Imagine, mentality grow so broad, narrowness gets narrow.
Imagine, a bond so strong, even nature bows to it.
Imagine, just imagine.
Everything happens for a reason
Everything happens for a reason and as usual, we're always paralleled with the reason— never met and will never meet. Maybe, just maybe, there's a reason behind that too. However, knowing the reason/s doesn't make our task any easier. We do learn to accept things very soon because of this one statement. Using it every now and then on everyone who's in a state to believe it becomes the chore. But, not knowing the reason/s does affect us a little somehow. We just deny taking any effort to change it or challenge the probabilities. As a matter of fact, it just gets boring. No challenges, no obstacles; it becomes too plain to live using this statement on everything. It does have its pros and cons and they emerge in front of you on their right time for an unknown reason, ofcourse.
May 05, 2014
A boy doesn't turn into a man once he gets the hair on his face. Similarly, a girl doesn't turn in a lady just because she can now walk steadily on high heels. A woman doesn't turn into a mother just by having a baby. A person doesn't turn speechless after viewing the nature's hidden beauty. We don't change into something better or worse just like that. It takes a thought and in some cases, a thought process. Regardless of the facts, our thoughts continue to change and with them, change us too for better or for worse depending on its own wish, need, greed and want. The hard, deep thinking, the fight between internal angels and devils— it's all a part of the thought process which is too far from termination. Also, understanding every point that arises in the self conversation holds a special position in the process. Neglecting anything is not an option anymore. Neither is making priorities. Continuing it is a burden; ending it, a desire. It's more of a roller coaster ride that forgot to stop. All you can do is flow in the flow, experience the butterflies and have fun learning something out of it. That's probably the best way one can deal with the changes.
May 03, 2014
Answers to meaningless questions
Q. Who makes nonsense so sensible?
A. Social media.
Q. What leads to people being all sugar spice and everything nice?
A. Money.
Q. Who cares about where we are in the future?
A. Parents.
Q. Why are politicians all corrupt?
A. We gave them the right to.
Q. What is the best way to make millions?
A. Create your own religion.
Q. What hurts more— physical bruises or mental scars?
A. Both.
Q. What begins to end soon?
A. Good time.
Q. Everyone just looks like a fool or they're really fools?
A. We're really fools.
Q. How much underestimation is needed to hate oneself?
A. Not much.
Q. How many bullets are needed to kill ego?
A. None. It just requires a thought.
Q. What is worst than being worst?
A. Not knowing why we are worst.
Q. What unites people and divides them at the same time?
A. Religion.
Q. Who don't return?
A. Dead bodies.
Q. What's more to writing?
A. Writing good.
Q. What do we do with the rights?
A. Misuse them.
Q. When is the best time to shut up?
A. Always.
Q. Are we good enough for people we love?
A. No.
Q. Is the world going to end?
A. Not before you finish reading this.