January 25, 2014

Learn to learn not to earn.

We all have been nurtured or brought up in someway to earn a degree, get a job and a good salary. Nobody's parents ever taught us to learn. They just sent us to schools where the book was taught. Not saying, it wasn't good but it just wasn't enough. It was good to earn a degree not to learn about life and humanity. Also, I'm not blaming anything. Just complaining like every other human who would think like me. We all learnt in our kindergarten to not spill litter around but still 99% of us are found throwing the garbage around when we're out. I'm glad I'm one of the 1% who don't. Moreover, I even take the initiative to stop people from doing it.
This is the incident of a few days ago, when I was travelling in the train and a kid and her mother were off to the kid's school. His mother gave a banana to keep him healthy and was actually lecturing everyone around to make their kids eat it. As soon as he finished eating it, he asked his mother whether where should he throw its peel and the mother instantly pointed outside the window of the train. The boy obeyed her and threw it out. As soon as he was done with his job, I made him sit beside me and asked him if he was taught to spill litter around in the school. He replied negatively and the mother looked at me realizing what she had just done. I could see her realizing and she apologized me. All I could do was thank her that she realized otherwise there are people who backfire me with those annoying looks for I don't know what. I was glad to have been met them. The boy was really young but I was astonished when he told me,"The next time my mummy tells me to throw the garbage outside, I won't, pakka didi." I smiled back and pecked the cute innocent kid.
The point is we can all change if we choose it. It's obviously our own choice but we still never really take the initative and survive always the way we do.
Also, if you think where we should throw the garbage when we're in the train or something, I'd suggest you wait till the station arrives and there are obviously trash bins there. Go ahead! Do a good job and pat yourself!
Education teaches us a lot, we just have to grasp the little things out of it rather than just focusing on the one that earns us a degree and gets us a job with a good salary.

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