August 08, 2014

The not-so little things

The little things that matter aren't very little. They are the root of all good and bad. Of how much we speak, we've broken all records. The tongue doesn't stay under control anymore. It's more good than bad in some situations. Though, if it turns out bad in any, you must know you aren't wise enough to use it yet. Keep the judgemental thoughts to yourself. And for that matter, don't judge! Makes things a lot easier. It happens very seldom that one is sure of what he speaks and the outcome of all of it. Moreover, many of us don't even know what we speak anymore. It's not the language you must blame, but the thinking. We live in the most advanced and updated century and still have a limited thinking. (Breaks my heart!) The judgements, the immorality, all this we still hug and broad mindedness, reality is what we have kept far. Needless to say, our tongues don't mind our not-so happening business anymore.
I warn you. Don't dare blame any language or culture! Blame yourself. And stand up to change it.

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